What is the creative source of Mori Calliope?

ーYou mentioned the underground rap scene, so may I ask about your cultural influences besides Japanese culture and otherwise?

I’m really interested in animation, illustration, and things like that. Because of those interests, I discovered Japanese music on YouTube from the Japanese internet rap scene which seemed like a hidden treasure to me... I was really interested in the so-called Japanese net rap that came from niconico, to which most Japanese net rappers were uploading their music at that time. In the late 2000s and early 2010s, it was very popular. And many great musicians came from the Japanese internet rap scene. So I also became very interested, and that has probably influenced most of my music tastes. I do enjoy American rap music as well.

ーBesides rap music, how about other cultural influences, such as anime or movies?

For animation, I really like GAINAX and the studio that came from it, Studio Trigger. I like really crazy Sakuga Animation with a lot of action. I think that kind of comes out in my personality and my rap style. I like really insane art, situations, and animation that is just so crazy. For movies too, I like the same kind. If it’s not animated, then maybe... I’m actually a big fan of Prison Break and Prison Break genre of movies and TV shows, for example, Escape from Alcatraz or The Shawshank Redemption. I really like prison movies. I’m not sure how that translates to my music, but I know that animation and the movies have had an influence on my music. I think some of the stories that I tell in my music can be related to them in terms of like, I think it’s really important to find your way out of your own mental prisons. And a lot of my songs deal with finding personal battles and personal mental blocks and emotions.

ーSo interesting! In connection with your previous answer, what do you keep in mind when you write lyrics?

When I write lyrics, I want to write songs that are relatable to myself but also to the listeners. I think about my own mental struggles and my mental prisons. I write songs that other people feeling the same things can listen to and enjoy. Maybe I deal with some issues like being anxious all the time or being worried about the future. But I try to make my songs very general, not too specific to me, the general sort I can connect with other people who listen to my music, and we can all share our feelings of understanding each other.

Aya Miyahara




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