YOSHIKI talks about his “love” and “wish” for THE LAST ROCKSTARS

Rockstars are unknown entities

ーAs a rock fan, I would be incredibly happy if, five years from now, the name of THE LAST ROCKSTARS is engraved in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

YOSHIKI What we're doing now, I think, is somewhat unprecedented. The fact that it originates from Japan, the gathering and unity of rockstars – I don't think that has happened much before. Also, age-wise, people might think, “Wait, you’re planning to expand overseas now?” I find it all exciting. After all, isn't rock about subverting expectations? We had a photoshoot in a place that looked like railroad tracks (for the cover), and it was probably meant to convey the image of “the road towards dreams.” What I felt there was, “I don't really need these tracks. I'll create my own path” (laughs). The photographer was fantastic, and almost didn’t mention it just now (laughs). But, the truth is, you don't really need a predefined path. Whether it's a cliff or whatever, I'll demolish it all and create my own path.

ーAs things like genres, rails, and even compliance become tighter, I think that the true essence of rock is that it strays outside of these things. 

YOSHIKI I agree. When I started playing drums, when I made my major label debut, and even during the process of coming to America for the first time, people around me kept saying, “This is how things are normally done.” In response, I challenged everything. I thought, “Just because things have been done a certain way until now doesn't mean they'll be the same from now on, right?” Maybe people thought I was cocky but I've flipped it all one by one, so I still believe there's more I can do. 

ーAs you get older, some people might feel inclined to conform to established paths. Why do you choose to forge your own?

YOSHIKI If the goal you’re aiming for is on the rails that have already been laid out, that would be fine. But I think we rockstars are unknown entities. For example, in the case of classical music, Beethoven existed over 200 years ago. But in the rock world, many of our predecessors are still active today. So who knows how rock stars will end up? We want to take off into the unknown future, wondering, "What on earth will we accomplish?”

ーDo you want people to look back in the rock history books decades from now and say, "This band did these things and went this far"?

YOSHIKI Yes, I do. We might change the course of history, or we might just follow the normal path without changing anything.

ーIn the current music scene, it seems that solo artists are gaining more prominence than bands. With the ability for individuals to work alone, creating songs on a PC in their rooms, what do you think is the meaning of continuing to be in a band under such circumstances?

YOSHIKI The meaning of continuing with a band... I wonder what it is. It's probably that 1+1+1+1 doesn't equal 4. When you come together, it becomes 100 or even more. That's what makes it interesting. It's even more fascinating when those involved are friends who respect each other.

ーI see.

YOSHIKI Well, being in a band is challenging. I don't consider myself an ideal leader by any means, but then, what defines an ideal leader? I occasionally discuss this with the members, saying, “Just because everything is going smoothly, has any Japanese musician truly broken through internationally? Don't we still not know what is right?” I'm not saying this because I'm a mess myself, but even if I were a mess, if it resulted in leaving something behind, perhaps that might have been the right thing. For instance, if everyone unanimously agrees a song is good, it might not be a good song. It's interesting to stir up both support and opposition.

ーI really think so. Now, what are your future plans for 2023?

YOSHIKI Both as a band and as an individual, I am getting a lot of different offers. Personally, I think I’ll go at a reckless pace as usual (laughs). For the past few months, I have been working at an unusual reckless pace. So I would like to go at a slower pace (laughs). If a year later you can think, "I did my best. I survived," then that would be good. Whether I'm alive or not... Well, that might sound negative (laughs). But for me, those words are not so negative. After all, I think people sacrifice their present selves for the sake of tomorrow. I think it's a bit wrong to think that you cannot live the present moment to the fullest because something might happen tomorrow or a month from now. Living for today, assuming there is no tomorrow, creates an incredible intensity. I don't mean to unnecessarily make those around me anxious by saying that, but it's about living with that kind of mindset. 

ーConsidering the performance of the new songs in the live shows, I can't help but think they might be released as an album. Is that something you and the band have discussed?

YOSHIKI Yes, we are discussing it. But right now my mind has completely shifted to live performances. So, to be honest, I don't have time to think about promoting our music just yet. So, it's something for the future. Of course, I have a great desire for our music to spread not only in Japan but also in the U.S. and the world. So naturally, recording and releasing an album is where we are headed next.

ーWhen can we expect THE LAST ROCKSTARS album to be released?

YOSHIKI Well, I personally think my words are the least reliable in the world (laughs). I don't think it's in the too distant future... but even saying that… (laughs).

ーThen I am looking forward to it (laughs). Now, as a closing, please give a message to all the fans who have supported THE LAST ROCKSTARS' live performances.

YOSHIKI Truly, I have nothing but gratitude. I mentioned this during the U.S. performances, but the reason we can continue like this is because fans have supported each member. I want to assure everyone that the support they've given us so far hasn't been in vain. Despite differing opinions, I'd like to believe that the dreams we're pursuing are a shared dream with everyone. And together, I hope we can dream even bigger.

YOSHIKI Photo by @ogata_photo, Styling by Yasuhiro Watanabe (7B), Hair and Make-up by Takaki Toshihiro (SEED&beauty)
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